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Selling vehicles on consignment
Consignment is an agreement to pay after the goods are sold. Consignment happens when you leave your vehicle with a dealer to sell. The dealer acts as your agent in the sale.
There are risks to selling a vehicle through consignment. For example, if the dealer goes out of business, you may lose the vehicle, or any money owed to you.
BC law requires a consignment agreement for a dealer to sell your vehicle on consignment. Certain terms and conditions must be in the consignment agreement. For example, it must say how the dealer gets paid and when you get your money from the sale. The amount is between you and the dealer. BC law allows the dealer to charge a fee, a percentage of the sale amount, or anything above a set minimum price.
If you suffer a loss from consignment, the VSA may be able to help. Loss means the dealer did not return the unsold vehicle or give you the money from the sale. Either can happen if the dealer goes out of business or acts improperly.
Not all dealers can sell vehicles on consignment. The VSA decides if a dealer can sell vehicles on consignment. The VSA lists these dealers in a public directory.
The VSA has more information about consignment on its website.