My Self-Help

Dealers must follow a legal Code of Conduct
Dealers must follow a legal code of conduct. This means they must behave in a certain way. Not everything they do is covered. For example, poor customer service is not against the code. If you are concerned that a dealer did not follow the code of conduct, contact the VSA.
The code of conduct says dealers will:
- Act with honesty and integrity.
- Document important verbal statements in a written agreement.
- Respond promptly and courteously to consumer inquiries.
- Keep your personal information safe.
The code of conduct says dealers will not:
- Discriminate against a person based on:
- race
- colour
- ancestry
- place of birth
- religious beliefs
- marital or family status
- physical or mental disability
- sex
- sexual orientation
- gender identity or expression, or
- age (if 19 years or older).
- Make false or misleading statements about amounts charged fora vehicle lease or sale
- Intimidate a consumer