My Self-Help

Dealers must give you the correct information about insurance.
BC law says you have the right to make an informed decision about buying a vehicle from a dealer. This right includes getting certain information from a dealer. It also includes the right to rely on that information. The information must be correct and not misleading.
Dealers must not engage in deceptive acts or practices. Deceptive acts or practices are ones that mislead you. They also lead to errors of judgment. Deceptive acts or practices may be spoken, written, or visual.
Dealers must provide you with the correct information about insurance:
- Life Insurance: Having life insurance can be a condition of a loan. Buying it from a certain company cannot be a condition. You are free to buy the insurance from an insurer and agent of your choice.
- Etching: Having the Vehicle Insurance Number engraved on the windows. Etching or other anti-theft insurance is optional.